He assigns responsibility for the “non-compliance” with specific rules of the European GDPR Regulation
CSIi President, Mr. Manolis Sfakianakis, mentioned the recent George Houdalakis on RealFM on the subject of recent shocking misinformatio.
Mr. Em. Sfakianakis talked about the “non-compliance” regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules that require File Encryption and PCI DSS requirements, which applies to any company that stores, processes or transfers credit card data.
Particularly for merchants that store, process or transfer credit card data to systems accessible in any way over the Internet, the PCI DSS standard also requires regular PCI Security Penetration Scan (ASV) to be performed.
Recent travel agent customer spying has forced banks to – and for preventive reasons – replace 15,000 credit and debit cards.
Customer data theft was recorded at a travel agency. It is a Greek company active in the field of online sales of tourist services. That is, reservations for airline, ferry tickets, hotels, cars, travel insurance.
Listen to the audio here
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